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  • Nov 23 2019 - 15:24
  • - تعداد بازدید: 331
  • - تعداد بازدیدکننده: 265
  • زمان مطالعه : 3 minute(s)
In the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs;

The specialized innovation centers of University of Mazandaran are opened

The specialized innovation centers were opened in chemistry, electrical and physics, and practical mechanics and manufacturing workshops in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs to produce innovative products of the academics.

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The specialized innovation centers were opened in chemistry, electrical and physics, and practical mechanics and manufacturing workshops in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs to produce innovative products of the academics.

According to the information center of national elites foundation, Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, opened two specialized innovation centers and one workshop for production of prototypes in the University of Mazandaran.

The specialized innovation center for in applied physics and physics is an innovative suite for deploying creative academic teams and includes four spaces for product prototype workshops. Today, a workshop of mechanics and construction of about 150 m2 was provided to produce prototypes of innovative and technological products of academics.

Another part of the trip was dedicated to the opening of a specialized chemical innovation center, equipped with 100 m2, providing services to companies active in the field of chemicals and materials. The university is set to devote 450 m2 of specialized innovation center for biosciences and biotechnology to innovative businesses in the area.

Visiting the Technological Achievements of Growth Center in University of Mazandaran

Sattari also visited the exhibition of achievements at the growth center of University of Mazandaran and met with technology activists based at the center. In total, 21 units of technology and innovation are located in the 600-square-meter space of this growth center and offer their products and services mainly in engineering, basic sciences and agriculture.

Peripheral fiber optic protection sensor, hybrid hydrogel nanomaterials, ambient monitor, detergent enzymes, UAV sprayers, zeolites, radiator anti-corrosive, unmanned vessels, non-invasive catheter, plaque reader software, Diag machine, industrial biogas machine, selling ozone generating products online, plasma device for yarn dewatering, plasma fixer, cleaner, pollution remover, and unstable plasma operator in aerospace industry are the most important technological products and services offered by creative technologists located at the growth center of University of Mazandaran.

Growth Center of Ghaemshahr Technological Units Will Be Opened

Another part of the trip included concluding a contract for establishment and exploitation of growth center of technological units of Ghaemshahr signed by the head of the Islamic Azad University and president of Mazandaran science and technology park in the presence of the vice president for science and technology affairs.

Starting the Move to Turn Innovation into Value

Pointing out the support of any innovative step to help the boosting of knowledge-based businesses and the innovation ecosystem, Sattari affirmed: turning our eyes to the importance of creative human resource innovation is a new step that has begun in many of our provinces, including Mazandaran. People in the community, including residents of the province, believe that development is endogenous and that development cannot be injected from outside the province's ecosystem.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter expressed our readiness to support the development of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the province without financial constraints, adding: the province must be sensitive to the persistence of young, creative and sustained human resources and to provide the ground for innovative employment of this valuable capital within the province. The Vice-Presidency is also prepared to fully support the process.

According to the report, the vice president for science and technology affairs traveled to Mazandaran province to support knowledge-based businesses and the development of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. In the morning, he visited Khazar Electric Knowledge-based Co. and met with the Friday Imam of Sari and the representative of the supreme leader in Mazandaran province after visiting the technological achievements of growth centers of Mazandaran University and Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr Branch. Sattari also attended the meeting of “knowledge-based economy and production prosperity” of Mazandaran province in addition to visiting several innovative and knowledge-based centers.
  • گروه خبری : news
  • کد خبر : 143902
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