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  • Nov 10 2019 - 15:53
  • - تعداد بازدید: 140
  • - تعداد بازدیدکننده: 105
  • زمان مطالعه : 2 minute(s)
In the Presence of Sattari and Tehranchi

The “innovation House” of science and research is opened

The innovation house of research and science unit of the Islamic Azad University was opened to support academic innovative ideas and allocate joint workspace to young idea-makers and academic innovators.

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The innovation house of research and science unit of the Islamic Azad University was opened to support academic innovative ideas and allocate joint workspace to young idea-makers and academic innovators.

According to the information center of national elites foundation,  the research and science unit of the Islamic Azad University opened a new center. This center will provide facilities for young academic teams that want to improve their ideas and produce products. The Innovation House is the idea of the Islamic Azad University to support academic innovative ideas. The opening ceremony of the center was held in the presence of Sorena Sattari, the vice president for science and technology affairs, Mohammad Mahdi Tehranchi, the head of Islamic Azad University, and Reza Masoudi, the head of the research and science center, as well as the professors and students of this academic unit.

“Sattari on Opening Ceremony of Innovation House of Islamic Azad University”

“Innovation” wins the fight against oil-based

The president of the national elites foundation talked about the effective role of Islamic Azad University in creating a suitable ecosystem for turning academic creative ideas into business to improve the society, stating: the university plays a significant part in the country's higher education system and plays a key role in investing in youth creative ideas and promoting a friendly environment and tackling the wrong economic culture of crude oil and petroleum.

The president of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter pointed out the role of universities and higher education centers in creating a vibrant community and moving away from the crude culture and replacing it with a knowledge-based economy.

Biotech Ecosystem of Iran Is One of the Bests

Pointing out that Iran’s ecosystem in producing biotechnology and recombinant drugs is among the best, the vice president for science and technology affairs asserted: Iranian pharmaceutical knowledge-based companies play an important role in the region, and this field has an excellent ecosystem now. In fact, the ecosystem has reduced the emigration of pharmacists from Iran to zero since they are recruited by the best knowledge-based companies of the country.

He added: while we are among the best in the production and export of biotech and recombinant drugs and are knowledge-based companies that play a role, part of the community is not clearly aware of this potential. In many other advanced technologies, we are the first to speak in the region, but the oil culture has made part of society still look to foreign goods and imports. This view must be transformed by culture and flow.

Sattari also affirmed: support of public universities by the government in the world is not more than 10-15%, and the university should monetize youth and academia creativity by implementing industry-based models and supporting knowledge-based and creative companies.

Expressing that the new move of the Islamic Azad University is honorable, Sattari expressed: oil-based economy has created addiction and lethargy in the society. Now is the time to free ourselves from this dependency.
  • گروه خبری : news
  • کد خبر : 143328
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