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Startups in the social area will develop public participation
The Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs:

Startups in the social area will develop public participation

In a joint meeting with the president of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee, Sattari considered the establishment of startups in social field a solution to development public participation in charity affairs.

From 3D building printers to medical equipment made in Iran are introduced
During the Visit of Several Knowledge-based Companies by Sattari:

From 3D building printers to medical equipment made in Iran are introduced

Along with the day of student, Sattari talked with the activists of several knowledge-based companies. In the second part of the visit, he visited technological companies working in fields such as artificial intelligence, medical equipment and 3D building advanced printers.

Providing different facilities to graduates at post-doctoral stage
Eftekhari on the Meeting for Signing a Cooperation Agreement between the National Elites Foundation and Iran National Science Foundation:

Providing different facilities to graduates at post-doctoral stage

The president of the Iran National Science Foundation stated: the foundation has provided different facilities to support post-doctoral projects of graduates. It is hoped that more diverse support programs will be designed by signing this agreement.

Innovations of startups will help eliminate deprivations

Innovations of startups will help eliminate deprivations

The vice president for science and technology affairs met with young and technological activists of a Jihadi Imam Reza Organization that conducts startup activities in the field of rural development and elimination of deprivation by forming the foundation for support of marginalized and in-need people.

Sattari: human capital startups will supply knowledge-based economy
Top Cooperatives Are Appreciated in the Presence of the Vice President for Science and Technology Affairs

Sattari: human capital startups will supply knowledge-based economy

On the eighth national festival of cooperative management excellence, the vice president for science and technology affairs talked about the necessity of transition to support of innovative capitals and awarded co-operative activists.

Laboratory services went beyond Iran’s boarders

Laboratory services went beyond Iran’s boarders

The manager of the strategic technologies development headquarter emphasized the acceptable growth of lab services and products, stating: neighboring countries are a good market for these services.